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Daily Horoscope: New Moon in Libra
September 25, 2022
New Moon in Libra, Sunday, September 25th, introduces both critical thinking and criticism to relationship and life plans — and for the artists and influencers of the world — a push to elevate and perfect their work, or to make a social statement, as the moon conjunct the sun in the cardinal air sign of Libra, mixing energy with Mercury retrograde conjunct Venus in Virgo, form a Thor’s Hammer aspect pattern with Saturn retrograde in Aquarius and Uranus retrograde conjunct the North Node in Taurus. The Thor’s Hammer adds a new dimension to the Grand Trine in the earth element, comprised of the Virgo and Taurus planets, and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, which forms the body of a Kite aspect pattern capped by Neptune in Pisces. The Libra and Virgo planets oppose both Jupiter in Aries, and Neptune in Pisces, while also forming a tense mutable T-square with Mars in Gemini. You have a desire now to change, transform, or improve something, reveal a truth, or stay true to a commitment or principle, but to do so there may be sacrifice involved, or you will have to “take one for the team”, or “suffer slings and arrows” because not everyone will be happy with you or supportive of you, or you will have to work with the resources and tools at hand now as you look toward the future, even if they are far from ideal. “It’s complicated” is the status now, but by…