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Daily Horoscope: New Moon in Aquarius, February 1, 2022
New Moon in Aquarius, Tuesday, February 1, activates the Aquarius impulse for change with some extra quickening influence as the New Moon in an air sign falls at the beginning of a new month. Venus in Capricorn came out of retrograde a few days ago, and Mercury in Capricorn will turn direct on February 4th. Today’s New Moon joins the sun and Saturn in Aquarius, and together, they form a square aspect to the ruling planet of Aquarius — Uranus — in Taurus, while Uranus forms a trine to Venus and Mars in Capricorn. The old and new, past and future, the inevitably of change, and the cost — both financially and emotionally — of change are serious considerations. In the zodiac wheel, Aquarius and Uranus rule the 11th house of friends, groups, organizations, and humanity as a whole, so you can expect to see more political issues regarding human rights or governing policies to dominate the news, and perhaps you may become more outspoken and active on issues you identify with strongly. On a more personal level, no matter where Aquarius energy sits in your own natal chart, you could become aware of what is outdated that you must release, or restrictive, that you should resist, as you make new plans for your future. Shocking or significantly life changing news or events are possible, and if they do occur, it may be best for you to protect your own energy as you take some time to process and reorient yourself to new circumstances, while Chiron in Aries squares Venus and Mars. Mercury retrograde conjunct Pluto in Capricorn trine to the North Node in Taurus can help you to see that past thoughts and decisions have led you to where you are now, emphasizing the importance of choosing how to think and feel, and where to direct your attention, as you look ahead.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro