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Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Virgo
February 25, 2024
Moon transiting Virgo, Sunday, February 25th, encourages you to prune counterproductive or energy robbing things from your life so you can focus on what is essential or offers the most promise of future success and abundance, as the moon forms a trine aspect to Jupiter and Uranus, loosely conjunct in Taurus, a quincunx aspect with Chiron conjunct the North Node in Aries, and an opposition to Neptune in Pisces. When I was learning to garden, one of the most difficult tasks for me to understand and execute was the pruning of healthy growth from plants and trees, in order to have a larger yield in the future. The exuberant smaller shoots from a branch or stem are actually draining energy from those that are larger and ready to bear fruit — on tomato plants, they are appropriately named “suckers”. Besides freeing up energy for the plant to make fruit, pruning lets in more light and air to improve the health of the plant. If desired, it is possible to root the pruned stock to make more plants or trees. While you are freeing yourself from what is keeping you from what is essential today, consider passing anything you no longer wish to have or care for on to someone who will appreciate it and put it to good use.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro