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Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Virgo
July 10, 2024
Moon transiting Virgo, Wednesday, July 10th, brings new meaning to the expression, “It’s complicated” as the discernment of this mutable Mercury ruled earth sign prompts you to gather data, revisit memories, examine repressed, hidden, or compartmentalized aspects of your psyche, weigh pros and cons, and explore alternate options for solving a past or present problem, or creating a better future, while the moon participates in a mutable T-square aspect with Jupiter in Gemini, and Saturn retrograde in Pisces, as well as a Minor Grand Trine with the sun in Cancer, and Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus. Two more Minor Grand Trine aspect patterns which harmoniously and cooperatively blend the best qualities of the sun and Venus in Cancer, Mars and Uranus in Taurus, Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, and Pluto in Aquarius, are motivating you to acknowledge your worth and purpose, and to share your talents with others, or to find a guide, mentor, or healer, who can help you realize your full potential, but a T-square consisting of Chiron in Aries, the sun and Venus in Cancer, and Pluto retrograde in Aquarius is the troll under the bridge that could trip you up with fear, pain, anger, negativity, or feelings of powerlessness. The moment you choose to be the observer of your feelings, and accept (without judgement) that they are what they are, you will be able to move…