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Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Virgo
April 20, 2024
Moon transiting Virgo, Saturday, April 20th, highlights the miraculous power of love and belief to make a dream come true, but comes with a “be careful what you wish for” caution, because the price to be paid for having what you desire is hard work or sacrifice, as the moon forms a Kite aspect pattern with Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus, Pluto in Aquarius, and Saturn, Mars, and Neptune in Pisces, while an opposition between the Virgo moon and the Pisces planets bisects the Kite. Overall, the Kite can keep you focused on aligning the material with the spiritual to initiate positive growth, change, and empowerment, but it is the discontent, sorrow, and yearning for something more meaningful being activated by the Virgo/Pisces opposition which is the catalyst. The North Node, Venus, Mercury retrograde, and Chiron — all in Aries, squaring Pluto reveals what is most important to you waiting to be expressed, or what aspects of yourself require observation, analysis, and healing — and you can expect some uncomfortable growing pains or “dark night of soul” moments as you go within. Many will realize what they must do to mature, fulfill their destiny, or mentor others through the sharing of their hard won wisdom. Love, patience, and endurance transcends almost anything, and makes the impossible surprisingly real.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro