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Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Taurus
September 19, 2024
Moon transiting Taurus, Friday, September 20th, might prompt you to combine material practicality with superstition or wishful thinking as a means to increase your magnetism in financial or romantic matters, as the moon forms a T-square aspect pattern with Venus in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn, a sextile aspect with Mars in Cancer, and a sesquisquare aspect with Mercury in Virgo, while Mercury forms a T-square with Jupiter in Gemini, and Neptune in Pisces. You could feel a bit greedy or possessive, or are worried that you will appear that way to others, so you might do something ritualistic and transactional to make yourself look or feel better, such as deliberately giving in the hopes of receiving in return. To cover all your bases, you might offer material things to a person you wish would favor you in some way, or you make a tithe or sacrifice to unseen spiritual beings you hope will accept your offering and bless you in return. Everyone sees the ulterior motives and deliberate manipulations today, but oddly enough, several aspects, including a Yod pattern involving Venus in Libra, Uranus in Taurus, and Neptune in Pisces, as well as Mars in Cancer trine to Saturn in Pisces, Venus trine to Jupiter, and Chiron in Aries quincunx to Mercury, support this age-old game of social strategizing and bargaining. People want and expect you to play by the unspoken rules of the game, and may be disappointed if you don’t. Will the spiritual beings you appeal to respond favorably? — maybe — I would think they appreciate the attention as much as you and I do.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro