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Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Taurus
February 25, 2023
Moon transiting Taurus, Saturday, February 25th, accentuates the unusual and unpredictable, presenting you with new people or experiences, or requiring you to keep your calm and adapt quickly in unfamiliar places or situations, as the moon joins Uranus, and together they form a square aspect to Mercury in Aquarius, while Mercury, in turn, is trine to Mars in Gemini. Changes you have been sensing on the way, or thinking of making, could be happening today, even if you don’t feel fully prepared — but how can learn and come to know something new if you don’t give it a chance? Chance — and luck — is probably on your side now as Venus, Jupiter, and Chiron in Aries team up to bring protection, growth, healing, and other goodies your way, but Mars in dualistic Gemini square to Neptune in Pisces casts a shadow of trepidation, doubt, and memories of past pain or failure that could be lodged in the very cells of your body. While the moon is in the sensual earth sign of Taurus being electrified by crazy Uranus, move your body, get a spa treatment or massage, break your routine, or change your environment. Try an exercise or dance you have never tried, taste a different food, explore other music or art. If the Universe is shaking up your life, do some shaking right back at it, because attempting to stay stuck will lead to a breakage or feeling like you no longer belong.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro