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Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Sagittarius
March 2, 2024
Moon transiting Sagittarius, Saturday, March 2nd, brings high hopes and determination, alongside doubt and skepticism, as the moon forms a Minor Grand Trine aspect pattern with Pluto in Aquarius and Neptune in Pisces, as well as a square aspect with Saturn, the sun, and Mercury in Pisces. You will encounter resistance from some people, and support from others, as you share your plans or seek companions to be part of your dream team. You may be surprised to discover that the people you most expect to be there for you are not, and people you did not anticipate would help you, do, as Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus form a square aspect to Venus conjunct Mars in Aquarius, and a sextile aspect to Saturn, the sun, and Mercury in Pisces. Do not allow the pessimism or negativity of others to keep you from pursuing your passion, because Chiron conjunct the North Node in Aries sextile to Venus and Mars gives you the self-confidence and ingenuity to do what others are saying you can’t. A bit of anger and an “I’ll show you” attitude can be motivating today, but avoid judging or excluding others who may be fearful of change, or worried about you based on their past failure. If you are willing to listen, you might receive hard-earned wisdom that helps you to minimize risk and loss. If you can radiate calm and control, as well as excitement and passion, those who are against your ideas and plans will not be afraid to approach you when they become curious or change their mind. Anything could happen today, nothing is entirely impossible, and what might seem foreign can become familiar, and desired by many. Some are at the turning point between being largely unknown and becoming wildly popular or famous.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro