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Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Pisces
May 13, 2023
Moon transiting Pisces, Saturday, May 13th, may introduce you to a new spiritual subject, manifesting method, or personal development program, which you immerse yourself in quickly and completely, as the moon joins Saturn in Pisces, forming a Minor Grand Trine aspect pattern with Jupiter in the final degree of Aries, conjunct the North Node and Mercury retrograde in Taurus, and Venus in Cancer. Neptune — the planetary ruler of Pisces — especially powerful while in its own sign, is engaging in two other Minor Grand Trine patterns — one with Pluto retrograde in Aquarius and the sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus — and the other, with sun/Uranus, and Mars in Cancer. A T-square of Jupiter/North Node/Mercury, Mars, and Pluto activates a compulsion to possess ALL the knowledge, to such a degree that you fixate upon it to the exclusion of other things, but it also may scare you as it shakes your foundation and transforms your view of life, the world, or your purpose. Throw in the usual synchronicity, deja vu, intuition, and signs from the Universe that a Pisces moon transit usually brings, and you will find yourself falling down the rabbit hole of Wonderland, and lost in a sea of infinite possibility. Enjoy!
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro