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Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Libra
July 7, 2022
Moon transiting Libra, Thursday, July 7th, delivers a busy day with a dominant theme of communication and negotiation as the moon forms a Grand Trine with Venus in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius. Although a Grand Trine is considered a favorable aspect pattern, if you choose to only talk with people who already like you, or share your point of view, you are missing out on the potential for self improvement and personal growth that is available to you through the square aspect between the sun in Cancer and the Libra moon, as well as both the sun and Mercury in Cancer square to Jupiter in Aries — but the growth may only happen if you interact with people who are critical of you or disagree with you. Everyone wants to be right today, and some people may belligerently cling to their stance even if they know they are wrong, due to a T-square pattern involving the Libra moon, Pluto in Capricorn, and Mars in Taurus — however, a quincunx aspect between the relationship minded Libra moon and spiritually influential Neptune in Pisces, and a trine between the sun and Pluto, as well as a sextile between the sun and Uranus in Taurus, can bring about a conversion of beliefs if you can convince a stubborn person of the benefits of change. A promise of increased security or money can also sway their loyalty. Today’s Grand Trine in air signs may motivate a group of people to join together to express their views, and they may see favorable results if they share their thoughts with those who are most resistant to hearing them. Be a missionary instead of preaching to the choir.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro