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Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Libra
November 25, 2025
Moon transiting Libra, Monday, November 25th, highlights expansion and experimentation in all area of your life, but especially, in relationships. The sudden meeting of someone who makes you say, “Don’t I know you? Haven’t we met before?”, is enhanced by the moon joining the South Node in Libra, while opposing Neptune retrograde in Pisces conjunct the North Node in Aries. The aspect patterns in the sky are extraordinary today, with two Grand Trines, three Kites, and two Mystic Rectangles offering you the combined support of the moon in Libra, the sun in Sagittarius, Mars in Leo, Uranus in Taurus, Neptune in Pisces, and Pluto in Aquarius, to encourage you to broaden your horizons physically and spiritually, but the sun opposing Uranus, Mars opposing Pluto, and the moon opposing Neptune can make your moment of destiny determining decision fraught with fear, worry, or doubt, due to the memory of past burns or disappointment. The antidote to self created limitation is, “That was then, this is now, I am not the same person anymore.” Overlapping T-squares which activate the sun, Mercury in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Gemini, and Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, can be used actively to prepare as best as possible for the unknown, and to let go of the mental chatter before moving ahead, or they can weigh you down with the sandbags of too much rumination over…