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Daily Horoscope: Moon transiting Libra
May 20, 2024
Moon transiting Libra, Monday, May 20th, activates contention which can erupt into aggression justified as necessary to initiate change or fix a problem, but peace is an alternate path, which can also result in improvement or change, as the moon in a relationship minded, strategizing air sign, forms a T-square aspect pattern opposing a line-up of the North Node, Mars, Chiron, all in Aries, with Mercury in an early degree of Taurus, and squaring Pluto retrograde in Aquarius, while also creating a Yod — aka “Finger of God” aspect pattern with Neptune in Pisces, and a line-up of Venus, Uranus, the sun, Jupiter, all in Taurus, with the sun — just beginning its annual journey through Gemini. You may notice the dualistic nature of the both the Gemini sun and the Libra moon today, as you swing back and forth between attraction and repulsion, or find that whatever you know is not good for you, is most desirable. People might be more noticeably divided on issues, with both the optimists and the pessimists holding stubbornly to their viewpoint, while those who prefer to remain neutral and detached will have less agitation, but also less companionship. The best case scenario would be that the T-square brings something to a head which has been festering for too long, and the Yod is at hand to offer healing, forgiveness, and peace. When possible, choose peace over war, and love over fear. If you are on the receiving end of a fall-out, a breakup, or a job termination, the sooner you decide to move on and choose peace for yourself, the better.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro