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Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Libra
March 10, 2023
Moon Transiting Libra, Friday, March 10th, focuses on mediation, negotiation, and striving to find a compromise that will benefit all interested parties, or supports the good of all, as the moon forms a Grand Trine aspect pattern with Saturn in Pisces, and Mars in Gemini, a T-square pattern with Pluto in Capricorn and Jupiter/Chiron/Venus in Aries, a sesquisquare with Mercury in Pisces, and a quincunx aspect with the sun and Neptune in Pisces. Although the T-square highlights differences, and activates each individual’s desire to be right or to have things their way, Mercury, sun, and Neptune in a peacekeeping sign square to Mars in a communicative sign, and sextile to Uranus in security minded Taurus indicates that people are willing to work at making the changes which will bring about better relations and conditions — even if they must make some concessions. A safe space for the expression of thoughts and feelings can be made today. Mutual respect, courtesy, and acknowledgment re-directs discord toward satisfactory solutions.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro