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Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Libra
May 12, 2022
Moon transiting Libra, Thursday, May 12th, highlights cooperative and productive communication in all kinds of relationships as the moon forms a Grand Trine aspect pattern with Mercury in Gemini, and Pluto in Capricorn, with the Grand Trine elevating the power of the moon, Mercury, and Pluto through a larger Kite aspect pattern involving Jupiter, Venus, and Chiron, all in Aries. While yesterday’s Virgo moon transit, Grand Trine, and Kite were focused more on the what and how of things, today the who and why holds greater importance. Grand Trine and Kite patterns between transiting planets can increase ease and flow, but the “easy” aspects of trines and sextiles are often taken for granted or not used to their maximum potential because they don’t create a build up of pressure resulting in making a decision and taking an action. If you wish to make the most of the power talks, refinement of designs and plans, and opportunities for forming alliances which will be to your advantage socially and materially, you must walk the tightrope of tension that divides the Kite through an opposition between the Libra moon and the Aries planets and find a balancing point of compromise. Aries is the cardinal fire sign which sees the world through “I”, and rules the 1st house of self in the zodiac wheel, and Libra is the cardinal air sign that seeks “We”, ruling the 7th house…