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Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Libra
December 7, 2023
Moon transiting Libra, Thursday, December 7th, activates debates and negotiations in personal and business relationships, to address the unequal distribution or use of resources, power, or attention as the moon forms a T-square aspect pattern with Mercury in Capricorn and Chiron in Aries, as well as a sextile aspect with Mars conjunct the sun in Sagittarius, which in turn, forms a trine with Chiron. The ultimate goal today is to unify and harmonize disparate and defensive parties, by presenting the bigger picture of benefits to all, and outlining the long range plan to achieve that ideal, as Mercury participates in two Minor Grand Trine aspect patterns which accentuate the finer qualities of Venus in Scorpio, Saturn in Pisces, and Jupiter in Taurus, but a T-square involving Pluto in Capricorn, Venus, and Jupiter creates an underlying resistance to conceding any power or sharing resources, as it exacerbates fear and greed. The Lunar Nodes are in loose conjunction to the moon and Chiron today, indicating karmic agreements or lessons may be involved, so you might have a sense of déjà vu, history repeating itself, or be able to recognize that by choosing to think, speak, and act a certain way you either release yourself from karmic patterns, or avoid creating further future life lessons. “What goes around, comes around”, either now, or later. Winning through misuse of power, or abuse of another, might be a temporary win or create a future loss, so do choose your battles carefully. It is far better to work on building shared strength and assets.
Thanks for reading,
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro