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Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Gemini to Cancer
November 11, 2022
Moon transiting Gemini to Cancer, Friday, November 11th, elevates your intuition, judgment, and intelligence to meet any challenge, even if it requires knowledge or skills that aren’t in your regular repertoire, as the moon joins Mars retrograde in Gemini, forming a Yod aspect pattern with the South Node, sun, Mercury, and Venus in Scorpio, and Pluto in Capricorn, as well as trine aspect to Saturn in Aquarius, and a square aspect to Jupiter conjunct Neptune, both retrograde in Pisces. There may be others who are better suited for the role of problem solver or leader today, but there is an element of “right person, right place, right time”, as well as shades of past life carry over, or dormant talents awakening, coming into play which can make you the obvious choice for reasons that are more spiritual than material. Oddly, people you expect to stand in opposition to you may either support you openly or remain quietly passive as they choose to wait and see how you will perform, as Mars squares Jupiter and Neptune, and the Scorpio planets square Saturn. Have you ever done something you were sure you would fail miserably at, or were so frightened of doing, only to find you did better than you expected or even surpassed others? You can have that kind of unlikely success today when you give it your best shot. Natural talent and the…