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Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Gemini to Cancer
November 1, 2023
Moon transiting Gemini to Cancer, Wednesday, November 1st, activates your desire to achieve a level of perfection which requires painstaking attention to detail, the integration of multiple pieces — physically or mentally — and the discipline to stay calm and in control while doing so, as the moon forms a T-square aspect pattern with Venus in Virgo, and Neptune in Pisces, a trine to Saturn in Pisces, a quincunx to Pluto in Capricorn, and a sesquisquare to the sun, Mars, and Mercury in Scorpio. You may be under the pressure of time to make a decision or to put the finishing touches on something, and you now have all you really need to do so — stalling for more time will give you more options, which leads to further distraction and avoidance of making a move that is necessary now. No matter what you choose or do today, a Thor’s Hammer involving the moon, the Scorpio planets, and Neptune indicates either you, or someone else, will look for the flaw, or feel it could always be better. The sense that you should meet traditional, spiritual, or family expectations for success increases as the moon enters Cancer early this evening. Jupiter and Uranus retrograde in Taurus opposing the Scorpio planets indicate the time is right for something new to be born from the old, for you to step into a role of mastery, or to bestow a position of power on to someone else.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro