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Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Gemini, February 17, 2024
Moon transiting Gemini, Saturday, February 17th, offers you curiosity, keen observation skills, and the capacity for independent thought, which might lead you to question authority or the validity of what you have been told is “normal”, as the moon moves out of a trine aspect with Pluto, Venus, and Mars in Aquarius, into a Minor Grand Trine aspect pattern with Mercury in Aquarius, and Chiron conjunct the North Node in Aries, while forming a square aspect with Saturn in Pisces. It is an ideal day to follow Timothy Leary’s advice and, “Think for yourself, and question authority”, if Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus squaring all the planets transiting through Aquarius at this time are making you anxious, uncomfortable, or unhappy. You may think you are bound by certain rules or other constraints, but today’s Gemini moon transit can reveal that your THINKING is the problem, and you can change how you think. To rebel against conformity out of boredom or to seek attention would probably not have the effect you desire, but to break free of your limitations, expand your mind, or take an action which demonstrates you are committed to living a purposeful and fulfilling life will inspire you to free others.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro