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Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Gemini
September 16, 2022
Moon transiting Gemini, Friday, September 16th, makes you, and others, more susceptible to impulse and desire, braver in communication, and quicker to seek instant gratification, as the moon joins Mars in Gemini forming a trine aspect to Saturn in Aquarius, and another trine to Mercury in Libra, while activating a mutable T-square involving Venus and the sun in Virgo, and Neptune in Pisces. Does something or someone ring true? Have you asked the important questions and thought about the work involved and the potential for the future? Or is it an impractical fantasy, a distraction to keep you procrastinating, or a dalliance of short duration which will leave you with feelings of disappointment or unrequited love? Direct communication and intelligent analysis of information can help you to make the best choice when presented with multiple options, but expect the mutable T-square to cause some doubt or second guessing. If you swing to the side of intuition rather than rationality, you may discover at a future date that your soft side willingly invited someone to use you or take what you freely give, without giving anything in return, due to Mercury retrograde in Libra opposing Jupiter retrograde in Aries. Compromise and future success for all parties is more readily achieved when you ask, “What’s in it for me?” when being courted in love or…