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Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Gemini
February 6, 2025
Moon transiting Gemini, Thursday, February 6th, conveys an uplifting and expansive anticipation that communication can result in an agreement for a better shared future, but the truth of any compromise may be more about money (and who gets some) and less about sincere good will and friendly intentions, as the moon joins Jupiter (no longer retrograde) in Gemini, and together they form a trine aspect to Pluto, the sun, and Mercury in Aquarius, and a sextile to Neptune and the North Node in Pisces conjunct Venus in Aries, while squaring Saturn in Pisces. Mercury and the sun in Aquarius quincunx to Mars retrograde in Cancer, and square to Uranus in Taurus, present an interesting dynamic of change that may be shocking, unpredictable, and threatening to your personal (or societal) security and shared resources, which could come from an external source, requiring that you take action, and Chiron in Aries square to Mars but sextile to Mercury and the sun indicates that if you are uncomfortable with a situation, you have the courage to take an activist or advocate role. It is not easy to discern the facts or agendas right now when sensational imagery and stories that gain more “eyes on” are more lucrative than the truth, but the North Node and Neptune in Pisces conjunct Venus in Aries, engaging in a Cradle/Angel Wings aspect pattern with Pluto, Uranus, and Mars, indicates that eventually the truth will out. All you can do is make choices and take actions that your conscience can live with.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro