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Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Gemini
April 12, 2024
Moon transiting Gemini, Friday, April 12th, increases the intensity of your desire to be already living a new — or renewed — life you are choosing for yourself, which makes the restless impatience to achieve your goal even more challenging to endure, as the moon forms a sextile aspect to the North Node, Chiron, Mercury retrograde, and the sun in Aries, as well as a square aspect to Mars conjunct Saturn in Pisces, and a sesquisquare aspect to Pluto in Aquarius. Mars and Saturn sextile to Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus indicates that the inevitable passage of time will bring the natural process of change and growth, but this supportive sextile also gives you the opportunity to influence a future outcome by preparing for it constructively and imaginatively. Do what you can on the material level to build a good foundation for your future. Redirect the impatience or frustration over not having what you desire now, or being where you want to be along your timeline, toward imagining what it feels like to have it or to be it — in another word, PRETEND. The recent New Moon and Solar Eclipse activated a reunion of scattered pieces of your soul, and a reigniting of intentions, and now you are integrating imagination with belief, and experimenting with acting “as if”, which will eventually be replaced with the knowing, becoming, and having. Neptune in Pisces sextile to Pluto in Aquarius can help you manifest a seemingly impossible dream through the clarity of a vision of the future which you persistently review in your mind’s eye and feel in your being, until it is your reality. Make the best use of this inbetween transition time while you hurry up and wait.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro