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Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Gemini
August 21, 2022
Moon transiting Gemini, Sunday, August 21st, puts your thoughts and feelings up in the air and in motion, while you adjust and adapt to changes of heart or circumstance as the moon forms a mutable T-square aspect pattern with Mercury in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces, while Mars in Gemini also creates a T-square with the sun in Leo and Saturn in Aquarius. Have you ever skipped a rock on water or done a cartwheel? Once the initial action is taken, the motion takes over. Expect to feel like there are things in motion now which must run their course, but be prepared for interruptions or alternate possibilities that break the flow of energy and knock it off course. There are so many aspects between all the planets at play now, that listing each one and its possible influence would exceed the length limitations of social media posts. Some are amazingly supportive and creative, and some are extremely challenging. Hold onto the reins lightly. Maintain a stance of positive expectancy while remaining observant and self protective. Be open minded, but not naive, as you examine everyone and everything through both logic and intuition while you are juggling your way through a three ring circus kind of day. Take copious notes and save all your correspondence or receipts now — you may need to go back to them later.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro