Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Gemini

Dunnea Rae
2 min readAug 10, 2023

August 10, 2023

Moon transiting Gemini, Thursday, August 10th, stresses the importance of your active participation in the work of communication and community if you hope to receive assistance from others at some point in time, or expect to gain something from the end result of a project when it is completed, as the moon forms a square aspect with Mercury conjunct Mars in Virgo, a square with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, and a sextile with Venus retrograde conjunct the sun in Leo, while Venus and the sun are also squaring Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus. A highly productive Grand Trine and Kite aspect pattern consisting of Mercury and Mars, Jupiter and Uranus, Pluto in Capricorn, and Neptune in Pisces, is overshadowed by a Thor’s Hammer involving the moon, Mercury and Mars, and Pluto, creating an uncertain environment of positive appearances, talk of lofty goals, and a commitment to a future of inclusiveness, however, there are undercurrents of discontent, deception, and disillusion brought by Mercury and Mars opposing Neptune, and judging, blaming, or scapegoating tendencies brought into play due to the Thor’s Hammer and the various square aspects the sun and moon create. Expect that tasks you do not enjoy, or people you would rather not be working with, are a necessary part of the bigger picture as you move ahead. How you conduct yourself and treat others may…



Dunnea Rae

I am a spiritual astrologer with over 30 years experience, sharing my astrological services through www.AlohaAstro.com since 1999.