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Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Capricorn
June 5, 2023
Moon transiting Capricorn, Monday, June 5th, places your focus upon determining what work must be done to make a dream or vision a reality, while you learn what it takes to be an effective leader, so that the people who contribute to the growth of your undertaking understand the big picture and are happy to be a part of it, as the moon forms a Minor Grand Trine aspect pattern with Saturn in Pisces, and Jupiter conjunct the North Node in Taurus. The moon square to Neptune in Pisces, and sequisquare to Mercury conjunct Uranus in Taurus, the sun in Gemini square to Saturn, plus a T-square of Venus conjunct Mars in Leo, Jupiter conjunct the North Node in Taurus, and Pluto in Aquarius, present paradox, poignancy, and life altering potential — as soon as others interact with you, they bring their unique energy and talents to the mix. You must relinquish some control, be respectful of their inner sovereignty, and receptive to their creative input — which may differ from your original vision. Anything begun now could be destined to serve and benefit the collective, not just an exclusive few, and at some point, you may no longer be responsible for it, and it may outlive you, but a trine between Mars/Venus in Leo, and Neptune in Pisces is full to overflowing with a blessing of creativity and love. If you are contemplating parenthood or becoming a boss — go for it.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro