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Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Cancer
September 26, 2024
Moon transiting Cancer, Thursday, September 26th, conveys powerful manifesting energy through the intensity of your emotion and an absolute conviction of your belief that what you desire will be yours, as the moon sets up multiple aspects patterns which create a flow of supportive energy between planets, including a Grand Trine, two Kites, two Minor Grand Trines, a Mystic Rectangle, and a Castle, involving the moon in a cardinal water sign, Mercury conjunct the sun and South Node in Libra, Uranus in Taurus, Neptune in Pisces, and Pluto in Capricorn. Mars in Cancer trine to Saturn in Pisces, as well as Venus in Scorpio, turns the desire into action, followed by the material realization. Three T-squares of tension and pressure: 1) moon, Venus, and Pluto 2) moon, Chiron, Pluto 3) Mercury, sun, Jupiter, Neptune, are bringing pent-up desire, frustration with blockages or disempowerment limiting growth and abundance, and divine discontent, together, to form a concentrated power punch of activating energy which is sure to gain momentum once it is unleashed. Jupiter in Gemini — a mutable air sign of multiple options — is today’s pivotal planet which will determine what you manifest, and whether you are pleased with the consequences of your thoughts, prayers, words, and actions. Redirect the intense feelings over who or what you no longer want, toward intending and choosing conditions or things which harm none and are for the highest good of all, so you will ensure a good outcome for yourself, and others, rather than manifesting more of what you don’t want.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro