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Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Aries
July 10, 2023
Moon transiting Aries, Monday, July 10th, brings yesterday’s focus of self awareness and healing to a point of catharsis and transformation as the moon loosely conjunct Chiron draws to the final degrees of Aries, forming a T-square aspect pattern with Mercury in the final degree of Cancer, and Pluto retrograde in the final degree of Capricorn, as well as a square aspect to the sun in Cancer, and a trine to Venus in Leo conjunct Mars in Virgo. The passion, creativity, courage, desire, and drama of fiery Leo is now being moderated by the planet of action beginning its journey through an earth sign of discernment, problem solving, and healing — and the opposition Venus and Mars form with Saturn retrograde in Pisces assists you in the burning off of thoughts or feelings from the past which cause you pain, or any adaptive behaviors, or modifications to your personal beliefs, which you chose for survival. Expect to feel various physical symptoms as you go through the process of analysis and catharsis, such as headache, stomach upset, or vague aches and pains which come and go. Listen to your body. Eat what it tells you, when it tells you, rest or nap when you feel tired, drink plenty of water. Your cells are aligning with your transforming thoughts, emotions, and spirit. Avoid other people’s drama as much as you can, and limit your exposure to anything negative or triggering.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro