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Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Aries
January 6, 2025
Moon transiting Aries, Monday, January 6th, activates either healthy self assertion and self promotion, or an exaggerated sense of self importance, an attitude of superiority, and annoying or ridiculous communication — and maybe all of these — as the moon conjunct Chiron in Aries forms a trine aspect to Mercury in Sagittarius, a sextile aspect to Jupiter in Gemini, and a square aspect to the sun in Capricorn, while Mercury is quincunx to Mars retrograde in Leo, and square to Neptune in Pisces. Paradoxes abound in the planetary exchanges of energy on this first day of a full week of work following the holidays. Most notably, a love/hate relationship with work could be going on due to Jupiter retrograde in the dualistic and communicative air sign of Gemini squaring both Venus in Pisces and Saturn in Pisces, while action oriented Mars retrograde in the creative and dramatic fire sign of Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius, and the Aries moon triggers a call to action and encourages a new beginning as quickly and as early as possible. People know they have to return to productivity, and they are happy to reconnect with coworkers and clients to make money to pay those holiday bills, but they are not so thrilled with the return to the role they are required to play or the demands of making up for lost time on the job. I think the transition from holiday joy to winter drudgery will be felt strongly today, and some may be under the weather physically, which can account for the inconsistent or erratic behavior and communication that is possible today. Don’t take anything too personally, because you are likely to feel regret or embarrassment if you overreact to another person’s drama. Laugh it off.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro