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Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Aquarius
December 6, 2024
Moon transiting Aquarius, Friday, December 6th, brings a duality and a process of inquiry to the subject of personal identity and path, as the moon forms two Minor Grand Trine aspect patterns — one consisting of the moon, Chiron in Aries, and Jupiter in Gemini — and the other — the moon, Chiron in Aries, and the sun conjunct Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius. When I write the daily forecast, I synthesize the chart of the day, focusing mainly on the moon, and when an image appears in my mind capturing the feel of the day’s energy, I search for a representative photograph or piece of art. Spock, the half Vulcan, half human character from “Star Trek” played by Leonard Nimoy, is the archetype to study today, as the transiting moon in Aquarius squares its ruling planet, Uranus, in Taurus. As I read more about Spock and Nimoy, I learned that Nimoy wrote two autobiographies — one in 1975 titled “I Am Not Spock” and another in 1995, “I Am Spock” which, according to Wikipedia, “were written from the viewpoint of coexistence with the character.” There is an either/or/both dynamic to a mutable T-square involving the Sagittarius planets, Jupiter in Gemini, and Saturn in Pisces, while Mercury, Mars, Chiron, Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune all in retrograde, point to multiple or alternate timelines and dimensions, and multifaceted qualities of personality…