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Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Aquarius
September 14, 2024
Moon transiting Aquarius, Saturday, September 14th, could stimulate extreme expression of feelings through words or actions which might not have the desired effect, or are viewed as ridiculous or crazy, as the moon conjunct Pluto retrograde in Capricorn forms (#1) a square aspect with Chiron retrograde in Aries, while Chiron opposes Venus in Libra (#2) forms a Thor’s Hammer with the sun in Virgo and Jupiter in Gemini, while Jupiter and the sun engage in a T-square aspect pattern with Saturn retrograde in Pisces (#3) forms a quincunx with Mars in Cancer, while Mars is trine to Saturn in Pisces, square to Neptune in Pisces, and sextile to Mercury in Virgo. Both the moon in Aquarius, and Uranus (the ruling planet of this fixed air sign) are amplified in their uniqueness and unpredictability as they lend their energy to a Grand Trine and Kite aspect pattern tagging the sun, Neptune, and the North Node in Aries. You (and others) are operating under an inspired belief that the highest ideal or desire should be shared by all, for the good of all, and while that may theoretically be a worthy goal, in reality, what is good for one, or for some, may not be needed or appreciated by all. The more reaching, preaching, sharing and giving that goes on with a personal agenda behind it today, the more the recipient of the attention will resist or withdraw. If you feel emotional claustrophobia and overwhelm, distance yourself from the person or situation triggering you. If you are trying too hard to win someone over, give them space.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro