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Daily Horoscope: Moon in Virgo to Libra
May 31, 2020
Moon in Virgo to Libra, Sunday, May 31, brings the issue of social justice forward as the moon shifts from problem solving Virgo to equality seeking Libra at midday and forms a trine to Saturn retrograde in Aquarius — the future oriented sign associated with the unity of mankind. The moon square to Mercury in Cancer conjunct the North Node in Gemini, with Mercury/North Node in quincunx aspect to Jupiter retrograde conjunct Pluto retrograde in Capricorn conjunct Saturn retrograde in Aquarius indicates people are thinking of country, home, family, and human rights as they gather to voice their opinion. The feeling of history repeating is strong due to all the retrograde planets — and in many ways it is. The North Node in the final degree of a community minded sign of brotherhood interacting with a planet of structure and authority in a humanitarian sign of change indicates society as a whole is at a fateful juncture where old ways of power, greed, and prejudice cannot continue as we move forward. Venus retrograde in Gemini conjunct the sun in Gemini square to Mars in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces reveals the perversity of “end justifying the means” actions, and also indicates many who stand for truth and call for peace and justice will make sacrifices or suffer persecution in order to be heard.
Dunnea Rae