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Daily Horoscope: Moon in Virgo
January 21, 2022
Moon in Virgo, Friday, January 21, brings an awareness of the unifying power of basic needs and the bounty of nature we all depend upon as the moon forms a Grand Trine in the earth element with Uranus in Taurus and Venus in Capricorn, as well as a Yod aspect pattern with Saturn in Aquarius and Chiron in Aries. Social status or wealth means nothing if the resources of the earth are not respected and managed so that future generations can flourish. That’s the “big picture” of the Grand Trine, but how can you, as an individual, have a significant impact upon the government or corporations that prioritize power or profit before the needs of people or other life on this planet? Conscious shopping and mindful management of the material things you own, as well as how you dispose of what you no longer want or need is one way to take personal responsibility for your part within the greater whole. As the North Node in Taurus conjunct the asteroid Ceres forms a transformative trine aspect to Pluto in Capricorn conjunct Mercury retrograde and the sun in Aquarius, the importance of making changes that address social and global issues could galvanize groups of citizens, law makers, and world leaders into taking affirmative action. An opposition between the Virgo moon and Neptune in Pisces can make almost any task feel as futile as finding a needle in a haystack, if you have to face it alone, yet the Grand Trine and Yod indicate that the small efforts of many, when combined, can accomplish the improbable.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro