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Daily Horoscope: Moon in Taurus
March 16, 2021
Moon in Taurus, Tuesday, March 16, can bring unexpected events or situations that appear problematic as the moon joins the unpredictable planet Uranus in Taurus, creating a tense square aspect with constructive Saturn in Aquarius. Square aspects can make it more difficult for the planets involved to combine their energies smoothly, while simultaneously putting pressure upon you when they pop up to do something with those planets, despite the tension. This particular square can be a proverbial double edged sword if you are dealing with rules and are attempting to change or circumvent them, or it can be an accident waiting to happen if you make an unexpected move from an insecure position. Mental uncertainty is also possible due to the recent arrival of the communication and thinking planet, Mercury, in the mutable water sign of sensitive and intuitive Pisces, after completing its recent transit in analytical Aquarius. Mercury does lend its support to the moon and Uranus through a favorable sextile aspect, giving you some pause to reflect upon your situation — presuming you have the benefit of time and are not caught off guard — but I don’t think it offers enough psychic premonition potential to foresee the interruptive nature of the moon/Uranus/Saturn square. Use the sun, Venus, and Neptune in spiritual Pisces sextile to powerful Pluto in determined Capricorn to call upon your unseen protectors and armor yourself in positive psychic self protection as Chiron in Aries sextile to Saturn and to the North Node in Gemini directs you to do what you need to do in order to stay the course while you deal with life’s challenges and changes.
Dunnea Rae