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Daily Horoscope: Moon in Taurus
August 10, 2020
Moon in Taurus, Monday, August 10, activates inner rebellion and aids in the overthrow of blocks and limitations as the moon joins the unstable change maker, Uranus, and forms a square aspect to Mercury in dramatic, creative, Leo. Taurus rules the 2nd house of personal finances and self worth, and it sits opposite Scorpio — ruler of the 8th house — which deals with the merging or loss of boundaries and sharing of assets and values. Scorpio’s ruling planet, Pluto, is currently in Capricorn, joined by Jupiter, a planet of growth and abundance. Mars in self aware Aries is currently squaring Jupiter/Pluto, and as the moon moves forward in Taurus today, it will enter a trine with Jupiter/Pluto. Some things that threaten your security and sovereignty or limit your abundance, joy, and expression may be external, but just as many are internal. Today’s transits give you the courage to do the shadow work that brings you radical transformation and acceptance of self, supported by Mercury trine to Chiron in Aries, or the ability to withstand external challenges.
Dunnea Rae