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Daily Horoscope: Moon in Scorpio to Sagittarius
February 25, 2019
Moon in Scorpio to Sagittarius, Monday, February 25, presents an array of opportunities and possibilities as the moon forms a Kite aspect pattern with Saturn, Venus, and Pluto in Capricorn, encompassing a Grand Trine with Mercury in Pisces conjunct Chiron in Aries, and the North Node in Cancer. Attention and control can guide you toward success but the element of luck that Jupiter in Sagittarius trine to Uranus in Aries, and moon quincunx Uranus, creates now gives you the extra edge that effort alone does not. Reach for things that you would usually think of as out of your reach and you may win. The evening is a time to celebrate your achievements with friends and family.
Dunnea Rae