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Daily Horoscope: Moon in Scorpio
December 12, 2020
Moon in Scorpio, Saturday, December 12, accentuates the seductive magnetism of this powerful boundary merging water sign as the moon joins Venus in Scorpio. A trine between the moon and Venus in Scorpio, and empathetic Neptune in sensitive Pisces gives you a hypnotic hold over someone as a resonance between the one who desires and the desired is established — or perhaps you are on the receiving end of this subtle, but potent, pull? A mutable T-square between Mercury conjunct the sun in Sagittarius, Neptune, and the North Node in Gemini causes you to question whether the vibes and signals are real or imagined, and whether entering any exchange of energy with another will be worth the risk. Yes, the vibes and signals are real and mutual, but a Yod aspect pattern involving moon/Venus, North Node, and aggressive Mars in self assertive Aries, indicates one participant may have a hidden agenda and dominance over the other. A second Yod involving moon/Venus, the North Node, and Pluto in Capricorn strengthens the ages old story of dominance and submission. Now that you are woke to the shadow side of today’s secrets and desires, you can use the trine between fiery sun/Mercury in Sagittarius and Mars in Aries to cast out those shadows and protect yourself from any unwanted drains on your energy. But that same fire trine can make being in someone’s thrall seem very exciting. Be aware that planets move, and today’s intensity is unsustainable.
Dunnea Rae