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Daily Horoscope: Moon in Scorpio
September 30, 2019
Moon in Scorpio, Monday, September 30, requires tapping into trust as the moon opposing Uranus in Taurus pushes you out on a limb. The Libra New Moon this past weekend brought possible examination and a need for decision, and now that the moon has shifted to a fixed water sign, it is time for some follow through. As you tie up an old month and the summer season and look toward a new month and the fall season, the moon in an all or nothing fixed water sign engaged with a planet of change is telling to go all in — or not. Personally, I am an a Uranus-ruled sun sign Aquarius, so jumping off the limb has always been my default, but your own individual natal chart and the house in which the New Moon occurred can show you to where you may be leaping without a safety net below you. The sun in Libra opposing Chiron can make your problems or hangups appear bigger than other people’s, leading you to think no one would want to deal with your baggage, so you are better off alone- especially with an independent Uranian vibe being shared with a self-protective Scorpio moon — but Venus in Libra quincunx Neptune in Pisces is showing you the grace, compassion, and kindness available through relationship that all souls need. One of my favorite videos on Youtube is Ten Meter Tower: ( It sums up the energy of today’s lunar transit. Pay special…