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Daily Horoscope: Moon in Sagittarius
July 13, 2019
Moon in Sagittarius, Saturday, July 13, joins Jupiter in Sagittarius, awakening zeal that is strong enough to cause you to fight for principles while the moon and Jupiter also form a trine to Mercury retrograde and Mars in Leo, and a quincunx to the sun, the North Node, and Venus in Cancer. People will defend their convictions, whether they are right or wrong, and attempt to convert others to their cause. In some instances, such as the protection of family or children, the choice to do the wrong things for the right reasons could arise. The square aspect between Mercury/Mars in Leo and Uranus in Taurus shakes up the status quo and the moon/Jupiter square to Neptune in Pisces makes people believe what they would like to believe, rather than seek the truth — time for an awakening! The waxing moon approaching fullness and a lunar eclipse in Capricorn in three more days increases the tension between the sun/North Node/Venus opposing Pluto conjunct Saturn in Capricorn. The Sagittarius moon helps you strategize and psych yourself up for any ultimatums or confrontations in the days ahead. Rules are broken and new laws are made when old ones no longer fit present circumstances. You will experience that, or push for it, on both personal and societal levels. The word of the day is “revolution”.
Dunnea Rae