Daily Horoscope: Moon in Sagittarius

Dunnea Rae
2 min readMar 5, 2021

March 5, 2021

Moon in Sagittarius, Friday, March 5, brings you the best results when you stay open minded and flexible as the moon exchanges energy with almost every planet, tagging the signs of Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, and Gemini. With so much mixed input, the Universe could deliver unusual and multifaceted situations that you did not expect, and you may lack the prior knowledge or experience by which to respond. A mutable T-square involving the moon in Sagittarius, Venus, sun, and Neptune in Pisces, and the North Node in Gemini indicates uncertainty about which direction to take moving forward regarding who or what is best for you in the Grand Scheme of Things. On the plus side, the moon receives intellectual feed back and risk analysis through a sextile to Saturn, sun, and Jupiter in Aquarius, an intrepid sense of being fit for any task through a trine to Chiron in Aries, and the optimistic feeling that change and the unexpected could be a blessing, as the moon forms a quincunx to Uranus in Taurus. With the moon opposing the North Node in Gemini, and Mars in Gemini forming a trine to Pluto in Capricorn, there could be pressure put upon you to take an immediate action, even if you would prefer to wait. Stay in the here and now as you tune into both your intuition and your mind, and then — improvise!

Dunnea Rae

Aloha Astro



Dunnea Rae

I am a spiritual astrologer with over 30 years experience, sharing my astrological services through www.AlohaAstro.com since 1999.