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Daily Horoscope: Moon in Libra to Scorpio
July 17, 2021
Moon in Libra to Scorpio, Saturday, July 17, presents the danger of letting your fear or other negative feelings, like jealousy, turn into self sabotage that limits your own abundance or happiness, as the moon forms a T-square with intense and controlling Pluto in restrictive Capricorn, and the self focused sun in moody Cancer, as well as a sextile to pleasure seeking Venus conjunct action oriented Mars in charismatic Leo, and a trine to expansive Jupiter in idealistic Pisces. Early in the day, while the moon is still in scale tipping and comparing Libra, it forms a quincunx aspect to the great illusionist, Neptune in Pisces, which can cause you to question whether something good is real or not, will it last, or do you deserve it? Thoughtful Mercury in needy Cancer quincunx to serious Saturn in friendly, but independent Aquarius, can lead to an examination of the exchange of energy, and the expectation for the future, between you and another person, which could prompt uncomfortable, but necessary, communication. If you avoid talking about issues of love or money, you will only have yourself to blame if you miss out on a business opportunity, or the chance to forge a meaningful relationship. Early this evening, the moon leaves the cardinal air sign of strategizing Libra and enters the fixed water sign of intense, all or nothing, Scorpio, and the T-square fades. Now the Scorpio moon enters a supportive trine with Mercury, enabling you to make a choice that will be true to your soul, and to communicate your feelings clearly. If there were misunderstandings during the day, the evening gives you a chance to regain emotional and mental equilibrium.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro