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Daily Horoscope: Moon in Libra to Scorpio
June 2, 2020
Moon in Libra to Scorpio, Tuesday, June 2, changes the tone from conversational and diplomatic to strategic and defensive as the moon shifts from the relationship minded air sign of Venus ruled Libra to the perceptive and protective water sign of Pluto ruled Scorpio at lunch time. The moon trine to the North Node in mutable Gemini gives you an alert awareness that your decisions and words can alter the path of your life, and a square between the moon and the cluster of Jupiter/Pluto in Capricorn conjunct Saturn in Aquarius, as well as a very physical square between Mercury in Cancer and Chiron in Aries increases the degree of work, or risk of potential danger, you will encounter as the day unfolds. Whether you are a passive observer or active participant in a protest now, understand that the influence of retrograde Venus conjunct the sun in Gemini square to Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces may not present reality truthfully — personal agendas, fantasy, and manipulation, are confusing, distracting, and dividing people. The moon in Scorpio can help you sense where and when an excess of work or danger is detrimental to you. Trust your intuition over anyone else’s promises.
Dunnea Rae