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Daily Horoscope: Moon in Libra
July 15, 2021
Moon in Libra, Thursday, July 15, refines and elevates your feelings and senses, resulting in possible ecstasy or the joy that is found in the achievement of a goal, as the moon in the Venus ruled air sign of perfection seeking Libra quincunx to expansive Jupiter in inspirational Pisces, and trine to intensifying Pluto in success driven Capricorn, brings beauty, poignancy, and grandeur forward. Keen aesthetic appreciation is also enhanced by Venus and Mars in creative and dramatic Leo forming a Yod aspect pattern with romantic Neptune, and magnetic Pluto. Even if you claim to have no artistic talent at all, you may find yourself feeling deeply moved by art, music, nature, or beauty now. While these aspects are supporting beautification as well as romantic and sexual attraction, buy art, lovely clothes or home furnishings, get a fantastic hair cut or beauty enhancement, or simply be more confident in your image and allure when interacting with others. Early in the morning, while the moon is at the final degrees of Virgo, it forms a Mystic Rectangle with Pluto, Neptune, and the sun in Cancer, which could provide that extra push you’ve been hoping for to help you overcome the fear, doubt, or any resistance being activated by the sun opposing Pluto and the moon opposing Neptune. The Mystic Rectangle neatly boxes in those oppositions, diverting their intensity toward the…