Daily Horoscope: Moon in Libra

Dunnea Rae
2 min readMay 22, 2021

May 22, 2021

Moon in Libra, Saturday, May 22, combines precision and mastery with a desire to be the first at something, or perhaps number one in a relationship, as a Grand Trine in the air element feeds a Kite aspect pattern topped off by self aware Chiron in Aries, opposing the moon in perfection seeking and relationship minded Libra. The Grand trine pattern involves the Libra moon, disciplined Saturn in futuristic Aquarius, and the destiny determining North Node and attention seeking Venus in playful and communicative Gemini. The tension between the opposition of the moon in “we” Libra, and Chiron in “I am” Aries, is tempered by three trines and two sextile aspects that encourage communication, cooperation, and constructive actions directed toward a better future or a correction of imbalance in a relationship. If you have been sitting at a plateau, knowing your work or relationship could be better, but not quite seeing how to go about making it happen, today’s lunar transit and extremely supportive aspects could help you make it to the next level. For some, the continued practice of a new skill pays off now, as that skill becomes hardwired into your system, becoming a natural part of you. And for others, there may be an understanding of how to be energetically connected to another, without losing the self.

Dunnea Rae

Aloha Astro



Dunnea Rae

I am a spiritual astrologer with over 30 years experience, sharing my astrological services through www.AlohaAstro.com since 1999.