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Daily Horoscope: Moon in Leo
July 12, 2021
Moon in Leo, Monday, July 12, ignites passionate zeal for a cause or belief to the extent that you may be willing to fight to defend your convictions as the moon conjunct pleasure seeking Venus and action oriented Mars in Leo forms a Yod aspect pattern with powerful Pluto in success driven Capricorn, and spiritual Neptune in idealistic Pisces, as well as a deeply personal and physically activating trine to Chiron in warrior-like Aries. If you believe you have a right to something, whether you are right or wrong, you can be fearlessly assertive. Mercury, newly arrived in protective Cancer trine to expansive Jupiter in Pisces, further supports your justification to go after what you want or to expect others to accept your way as the best way. Before you get caught up in a crusade — whether someone else’s or of your own making — question the source of information or examine motivations. The sun in Cancer opposing Pluto can indicate manipulation through fear or a misuse of power. A T-square of moon/Mars/Venus, authoritative Saturn in society centered Aquarius, and unpredictable Uranus in materially minded Taurus can indicate less than truthful agendas in government or media that foster fear of change or encourage social unrest. With the destiny determining North Node in Gemini trine to Saturn in Aquarius, seek to discover the truth and remain true to your ideals without doing deliberate harm to others, but if injustice is being done, communicate and seek understanding and peace rather than reacting or retaliating in anger.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro