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Daily Horoscope: Moon in Capricorn
November 8, 2021
Moon in Capricorn, Monday, November 8, could bestow recognition and monetary reward for your efforts, which can change your life for the better, however, a deeper level of commitment and a higher level of performance could be expected from you upon acceptance of any offer or blessing as the moon in the cardinal earth sign of mastery joins benevolent Venus in Capricorn, and together they form a destiny determining Yod aspect pattern with Mercury conjunct Mars in Scorpio, and the North Node in Gemini, as well as a trine to change maker Uranus in materially minded Taurus, and a less than confident square to Chiron in Aries. Mercury and Mars square to serious Saturn in future and society oriented Aquarius could cause you to question what your chances of success or popularity will be if you step up to a higher level. Is it worth the risk to invest more of your time or money? The sun in perceptive Scorpio trine to spiritual Neptune in inspiring Pisces can help you uncover what is best for you and can also strengthen your faith and determination. Guidance may come through a spiritual advisor, business consultant, or your own intuition. While Capricorn and Scorpio energy dominate the day, choosing the harder path now, even if you are scared or don’t feel ready, may be where you find your greatest success and satisfaction in the future. If someone else believes in you abilities, work harder to prove them right.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro