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Daily Horoscope: Moon in Capricorn
September 15, 2021
Moon in Capricorn, Wednesday, September 15, increases emotional intensity, especially darker feelings, like separation anxiety or fear of loss, as the moon draws near to powerful Pluto in Capricorn, and forms a square with Mercury in relationship minded Libra, while Venus in Scorpio — the sign ruled by Pluto — also squares serious Saturn in unpredictable Aquarius. The action oriented planet, Mars, leaves the detailed and dutiful sign of Virgo, where the nearby sun is still transiting, to enter social Libra, increasing interactions between you and others in ways that may be necessity based — revolving around the solving of an immediate problem that the moon and Pluto have brought to a head, or addressing a physical need you may have that now bothers you enough to bring forward. The possibility for becoming aware of pain, welcoming healing, and enduring deep transformation, lies in the opposition between the sun/Mars and sensitive Neptune in spiritual Pisces, which is buffered by sun/Mars exchanging positive energy with expansive Jupiter in future minded Aquarius, change making Uranus in sensual Taurus, and the moon and Pluto in Capricorn. Mercury in Libra trine to Jupiter and quincunx to Neptune offers friendliness, forgiveness, sympathy, compassion, and a listening ear or helpful advice — whichever you need most. If your life is peaceful and balanced, share some of that stable energy with others you see struggling and you may become someone’s rock today.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro