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Daily Horoscope: Moon in Aries
July 28, 2021
Moon in Aries, Wednesday, July 28, gives you the stamina and courage to speak out or pursue a passion that is important to you as the moon in a cardinal fire sign gains further assertive and intrepid qualities through a trine aspect to Mercury conjunct the sun in the fixed fire sign of Leo. Leo is associated with dramatic “look at me” expression and Aries is the sign that says “I am”, so the combined energy of moon/Mercury/sun can make the most introverted and shy individuals confident in themselves and eager to share their ideas and opinions. Retrograding Jupiter has left the dreamy water sign of Pisces and has entered the final degree of intelligent and logical Aquarius, opposing action oriented Mars in the final degree of courageous Leo. With the planet of expansion and a planet of action each sitting at the tail end of a sign, aggravating each other, it will create a tension and sense of urgency that can precipitate the decisive moment of growth and change, even if the sun and Mercury in Leo opposing realistic Saturn in future minded Aquarius has you worried that you are not sufficiently prepared to take a huge risk. Sometimes the planets support us with strong passion and initiating impulses, but it is up to us to follow through whether we feel assured of our outcome or not. Today is one of those days to let your passion, creativity — and even your anger — to lead you. Venus in problem solving Virgo quincunx Saturn in Aquarius indicates you may attract a group of followers who think, “It’s about time someone did that!
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro