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Daily Horoscope: Moon in Aries
December 23, 2020
Moon in Aries, Wednesday, December 23, increases emotional volatility and reactivity as the moon joins aggressive Mars in assertive Aries, squaring powerful and controlling Pluto in Capricorn. Repressed feelings will be hard to keep down now, and Mercury conjunct the sun in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn in a supportive trine to Uranus in Taurus, but square to Chiron in Aries, indicates that everyone is entitled to their own opinion today, whether it is popular or not. Mercury and the sun trine to Uranus may also pressure you to spend beyond your budget for appearance’s sake, or out of a sense of obligation, but the square aspect to Chiron indicates doing so could be detrimental if you run out of funds for your basic material needs. A square aspect between Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus speaks of your inability to predict the future consequences of the impulsive actions you may take now, and also highlights the current instability over financial support from the government. Aim for impulse control and a long range view of the future, but use the Aries moon transit for strength and power if you need to assert or defend yourself.
Dunnea Rae