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Daily Horoscope: Full Moon in Cancer
January 13, 2025
Full Moon in Cancer, Monday, January 13th, may heighten stress or anxiety over a call to action, or in response to a challenging condition or situation which might require you to assume more responsibility, or to take on unfamiliar tasks or a new way of thinking which are a departure from past conditioning or your perception of what is normal, as the moon joins Mars retrograde in Cancer, and together, they form a Minor Grand Trine aspect pattern with Uranus in Taurus, and Neptune conjunct the North Node in Pisces, a trine aspect to Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces, and a cardinal T-square aspect pattern with the sun in Capricorn conjunct Pluto in Aquarius, and Chiron in Aries, as the North Node and Neptune link the sun, Pluto, and Uranus, through a second Minor Grand Trine. Rising above challenges or making the best of any situation might involve doing something you would rather not be doing or choosing to delay gratification you could have in the present moment because you know that waiting for the right time or working harder and longer will make your success that much sweeter, due to Venus and Saturn square to Jupiter retrograde in Gemini, but sextile to Mercury in Capricorn. Moon/Mars trine to Venus/Saturn brings harmony to two feminine/masculine planetary pairings, while Uranus interacting with the sun and Pluto encourages change and transformation in personal, societal, career, or family expectations and adherence to stereotypically gendered roles or identification. A sudden shift in power could occur following this lunation, such as a child caring for a parent, an employee leaving a job to become their own boss, the oppressed seeking justice and winning, or the invisible worker receiving recognition and thanks.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro